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How to realize vacuum tube collector

Publisher:admin  Addtime:2016-05-23  View counts:  494

Shandong province Tai'an City Xinyuan Solar Energy Ltd, is located in Shandong province Tai'an city Daiyue District Dawenkou solar industrial park. The main production of solar vacuum tube, balcony wall type water heater, solar power, energy and other optical products. Science and technology management, technology innovation, the quality of the first advanced concepts under the product in short supply. Company registered capital of 2 million annual sales of 50 million.

Vacuum tube collector principle is on the inner side of the tube on the outer wall of the selective absorbing coating absorption wavelength of 0 - 3 - 1 - 3um rays of the sun (visible and infrared) to accumulate energy, so that the light energy is converted into heat energy, and by the vacuum interlayer insulation, heat loss is reduced.

In view of this, selective absorbing coating for vacuum tube is very important. The pros and cons of vacuum tubes are mainly embodied in the selective absorbing coating, and the advantages and disadvantages. Absorption than higher, emission than the lower the selective absorbing coating, vacuum tube performance is better.

Selective absorption coating: in the solar spectral range, with higher solar absorption ratio and lower emission than the coating surface is solar selective absorbing coating, or is called the surface, also known as mesangial, also known as the black mirror or black film. The ideal absorption surfaces shall be is black, but black does not necessarily mean that surface absorption of thermal performance best, actual absorption surface is often black is inclined to be blue or yellow, purplish.

Selective absorption: refers to the selective absorption of energy in the solar spectrum of visible light and near infrared part.

Absorption ratio: the number of the solar energy absorbed by the selective absorbing coating.

Emission ratio: the number of thermal radiation emitted by the selective absorption coating, which is not absorbed by the selective absorption coating.

Energy saving and consumption reduction in solar green products of science and technology, national key projects to support, over the years the spirit of quality first and win-win cooperation, continuous access to the honorary title of "credibility quality" and "high quality products", win universal praise. Makes the enterprise development and growth in the steady lead.



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